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Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Challenge: 52 New Recipes

My challenge to myself, and then to Chris and Jenni, was one new recipe a week; 52 new recipes cooked by each of us this year.  This means different things for each of us.  For me, it means 52 new meal type recipes - not desserts.  I consider new desserts bonus items, and I'm sure I'll have more than a few.  My main motivations were twofold:  1. cook more because I love cooking (and baking, too), which I mentioned in my first brief post, and 2.  eat out less.  So for me, I'm trying to make 52 new meal type foods. Some might be breakfast foods or baked goods - baked goods like cinnamon rolls, which I've never made from scratch count - and some might be lunch or dinner type foods.  Some might be an interesting new side dish to go with a staple like roast or pork chops, and some might be brand new concoctions for a main course.  I'm also trying to limit variations on something I make regularily, unless that variation is something major. Example, I bake a lot of bread, but I have never tried to make dinner rolls.  Dinner rolls may be one of my 52.  So, Tricia's 52 Recipe Groundrules (others' may vary):
  1. Can not be strictly a dessert - these are bonus recipes for me and all who read about them :) though perhaps I'll give myself say...3 bonus recipes (3 of 52 can be dessert if I really want to use them!)
  2. Can not be just a small variation on a theme - eg using honey in the bread instead of sugar
  3. Can't be something I've made before, even if it bombed the first time.
  4. Can be a side dish or a main dish or any other part of a meal (like salad)
  5. Can be something I've made up because it sounds interesting
  6. Can come from the internet, one of my many cookbooks, or as an idea from a friend - though I'm going to try not to use Jenni or Chris's past ideas becuase it would be really awesome to have over 150 total recipes when we're done.

So, there you have it - what I'm going to try to hold myself to this year. Like I said, the other ladies may have completely different ground rules than I have, and that is just fine!  I have a feeling this could get tricky!  (I also have a feeling we may run into themes - this week brought to you by the color (Fruit) orange, or the letter J....but why not!)

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